Have you ever considered taking part in one of the various national and local rallies that are held throughout the riding year?
Whilst the ACU have cancelled this year’s National and Welsh, the Southwest Peninsula is still going ahead on the 5th April. Come along to hear Graeme Hay give you some tips and tricks after his years of experience doing this both as a solo entrant and as a team member.
Even if you don’t manage one this year, get a feel for what’s involved for a future adventure.
From planning the stops, what to carry, where to start, set realistic goals, etc.
Graeme will look to cover:
What it is.
How to enter.
How the various awards are achieved.
How to plan your route, easily.
How to plan your riding time, rest breaks and personal safety.
To answer each and all of interested members questions.
If you would like to learn more and still have time to enter then contact training using the button below to reserve a spot.
This event is being held as part of Solent Sunday at:
Otterbourne Village Hall
Cranbourne Drive, Otterbourne, Winchester, Hampshire. SO21 2ES