Please read the latest IAM Social Group Rides Guidelines before joining this ride.
Grade: Level 2. A description of the ride level can be found here.
Suitability: This level is primarily aimed at qualified Members and those Associates who have a good understanding of Advanced Riding, have had several development sessions with their Observer and want to take the opportunity to practice their skills between observed rides.
Ride Leader: Clive Good
Briefing: 08:45 (Costa Coffee Winnall ///haircuts.blogging.blame)
Depart: 09:00
Morning Stop: Wendys Cafe @ Great Bedwyn (SN8 3LU)
Finish: Wellington Farm Shop (RG27 0LT)
Mileage: 130
Please arrive with a full tank of fuel
Please register for the ride using the button above to give us an indication of the numbers likely to attend. If the ride is cancelled due to ice, we can contact all the registered riders.