Grade: Level 2. A description of the ride level can be found here.
Suitability: This level is primarily aimed at qualified Members and those Associates who have a good understanding of Advanced Riding, have had several development sessions with their Observer and want to take the opportunity to practice their skills between observed rides. Associates must get the approval of their Observer before participating on a Level-2 ride.
Ride Leader: Dave Sutherland
Briefing (Ower): 17:05 McDonalds Car Park, Ower Services
Depart: 17:15
We will then ride through to Otterbourne Village Hall in order to give additional chance for
members to take part in this group ride.
Briefing (Otterbourne) : 17:45 Otterbourne Village Hall)
Depart: 17:55
Destination: Coastguard Café, Hayling Island
This ride ties in with the Club Social Event at the Coastguard Café on the same evening.
Please hang around for Fish, Chips and a Club Social.
Mileage: 44
Please arrive with a full tank of fuel